Women in Speech
This website is hosted by the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA). If you wish to add or delete an entry from this database, please contact the members of the ISCA diversity committee (click here to see current members). Please note, you do not need to be a member of ISCA to be added to this list.
Bronwen Evans
Associate Professor
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Sociophonetics
Sayaka Shiota
Assistant Professor
Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan
Automatic speech recognition; Speaker recognition
Sonia Frota
Full Professor
University of Lisbon (Phonetics and Phonology Lab, Lisbon Baby Lab, School of Arts and Humanities)
Human speech processing; Phonology; Prosody; Language acquisition
Najwa Alghamdi
Assistant Professor
King Saud University
Multimodal processing; Dialogue and discourse
Prof Kay Berkling, PhD
Full Professor
Karlsruhe University
Language acquisition; Speech synthesis; Computer-assisted language learning; Natural language processing; Morphology and pronunciation; Corpus development
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Senior Researcher
DFKI, Saarbruecken, Germany
Human-robot interaction; Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse
Yang Liu
Team Leader
Laix Inc.
Automatic speech recognition; Dialogue and discourse; Natural language processing
Kristin Van Engen
Assistant Professor
Washington University in Saint Louis
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Multilingualism; Multimodal processing
Kate Knill
Senior Researcher
Cambridge Unversity, UK
Automatic speech recognition; Speech synthesis; Multilingualism
Yiya Chen
Associate Professor
Leiden University Center for Linguistics & Leiden Institute for Brain and Cognition
Speech production; Prosody; Human speech processing
Julie Medero
Assistant Professor
Harvey Mudd College
Computer-assisted language learning; Natural language processing; Ethics
Yao Qian
Senior Researcher
Educational Testing Service
Automatic speech recognition; Dialogue and discourse
Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel
Full Professor
Technology (NAIST),
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multimodal processing
June Levitt
Full Professor
Chiara Meluzzi
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Pavia
Phonetics; Phonology; Sociophonetics; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multilingualism; Multimodal processing; Speaker recognition; Dialogue and discourse
Natasha Warner
Full Professor
University of Arizona, Department of Linguistics
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology
Amanda Stent
Research Scientist
Dialogue and discourse
Paola Escudero
Associate Professor
Western Sydney University
Human speech processing; Phonology; Multilingualism
Mirjam Broersma
Associate Professor
Radboud University Nijmegen
Human speech processing; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Julia Hockenmaier
Associate Professor
University of Illinois
Natural language processing
Rita Singh
Associate Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Computer-assisted language learning; Machine learning; Language acquisition
Paola Garcia
Research Scientist
Johns Hopkins University
Automatic speech recognition; Speaker recognition
Khiet Truong
Assistant Professor
Human Media Interaction, University of Twente
Theodora Chaspari
Assistant Professor
Texas A&M University
Multimodal processing; Human-robot interaction
Helen Meng
Full Professor
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dialogue and discourse; Information extraction
Tim Schoof
Research Scientist
University College London
Human speech processing; Speech-based assistive technology
Emer Gilmartin
Research Scientist
Sarah Verhulst
Associate Professor
Ghent University
Human speech processing; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Speech-based assistive technology
Britta Wrede
Full Professor
University of Bielefeld
Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse
Helen Hastie
Full Professor
Heriot Watt University
Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse
Catalina Torres
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Zurich
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Multilingualism
Chiori Hori
Senior Researcher
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)
Dialogue and discourse; Automatic speech recognition; Translation; Summarization
Susanne Brouwer
Assistant Professor
Radboud University
Multilingualism; Ethics; Human speech processing
Shammur Absar Chowdhury
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Trento
Human speech processing; Speech-based assistive technology; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Machine learning; Natural language processing
Jacqueline Leybaert
Full Professor
Université libre de Bruxelles
Phonology; Language acquisition; Multimodal processing; Natural language processing
Catia Cucchiarini
Senior Researcher
Radboud University
Computer-assisted language learning
Nanette Veilleux
Full Professor
Simmons University
Beena Ahmed
Associate Professor
University of New South Wales
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Computer-assisted language learning; Speech-based assistive technology
Heidi Christensen
Assistant Professor
University Sheffield
Automatic speech recognition; Speech-based assistive technology
Patti Adank
Full Professor
Speech, hearing and Phonetic Sciences, University Colelge London
Human speech processing
Abeer Alwan
Full Professor
Speech production; Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition
Cristina Guerrero
Team Leader
Amberscript/ Contexta360
Automatic speech recognition; Natural language processing; Corpus development
Cong Zhang
Assistant Professor
Newcastle University
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production; Speech synthesis
Sahyang Kim
Full Professor
Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology
Vivian Yun-Nung Chen
Assistant Professor
National Taiwan University
Dialogue and discourse; Multilingualism; Machine learning
Xinhao Wang
Research Scientist
NLP & Speech Team, Educational Testing Service
Language acquisition; Computer-assisted language learning; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse
Alejandrina Cristia
Research Scientist
Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et de psycholinguistique, Département d’études cognitives, ENS, EHESS, CNRS, PSL University
Language acquisition; Speaker recognition
Molly Babel
Associate Professor
University of British Columbia
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Sociophonetics; Speech production; Multilingualism
Hae-Sung Jeon
Assistant Professor
University of Central Lancashire
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Corpus development
Mara Breen
Associate Professor
Mount Holyoke College
Prosody; Human speech processing
Mary Beckman
Full Professor
Ohio State University
Phonetics; Phonology; Language acquisition
Alexandra Jesse
Associate Professor
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Multimodal processing
Penny Karanasou
Research Scientist
Amazon Alexa AI, UK
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Natural language processing
Tanja Schultz
Full Professor
University of Bremen
Multilingualism; Automatic speech recognition; Multimodal processing
Christine Mooshammer
Full Professor
Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Phonetics; Prosody; Sociophonetics; Speech production
Farzaneh S. Fard
Research Scientist
Human speech processing; Multilingualism; Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning; Speaker recognition; Speech-based assistive technology
Julia Hirschberg
Full Professor
Columbia University
Human speech processing; Prosody; Speech production; Paralinguistics; Speech synthesis; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development
Manon Lelandais
Associate Professor
Université de Paris
Prosody; Multimodal processing; Paralinguistics; Dialogue and discourse
Susanne Fuchs
Research Scientist
Leibniz Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft
Phonetics; Prosody; Speech production; Ethics
Jiangyan Yi
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Automatic speech recognition; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis
Postdoctoral Researcher
Yue Zhang Weninger
Postdoctoral Researcher
Affective Computing Group, MIT Media Lab
Human speech processing; Multimodal processing; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Natural language processing; Ethics
Purvi Agrawal
Research Scientist
Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning
Anastassia Loukina
Research Scientist
Educational Testing Service
Phonetics; Prosody; Machine learning; Computer-assisted language learning; Ethics
Amy J. Schafer
Full Professor
University of Hawaii
Human speech processing; Prosody; Dialogue and discourse
Postdoctoral Researcher
Laurence Bruggeman
Postdoctoral Researcher
The MARCS Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Development, Western Sydney University
Human speech processing
Mariapaola D’Imperio
Full Professor
Rutgers University, Linguistics
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody
Gesa Hartwigsen
Associate Professor
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
Human speech processing; Phonology; Speech production; Multimodal processing
Nancy Chen
Team Leader
I2R, Singapore
Language acquisition; Multilingualism; Automatic speech recognition; Computer-assisted language learning; Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Morphology and pronunciation; Dialogue and discourse; Summarization; Corpus development
Andrea Deme
Assistant Professor
Department of Phonetics, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Sociophonetics; Speech production
Sunayana Sitaram
Senior Researcher
Microsoft Research India
Multilingualism; Automatic speech recognition; Speech synthesis; Dialogue and discourse
Meghan Clayards
Associate Professor
McGill University
Human speech processing; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Iona Gessinger
Postdoctoral Researcher
University College Dublin, Ireland
Phonetics; Sociophonetics; Language acquisition; Computer-assisted language learning
Hema Murthy
Full Professor
IIT Madras
Prosody; Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning; Speech synthesis
Milica Gašić
Full Professor
Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Machine learning; Dialogue and discourse
Anne Hermes
Research Scientist
Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (UMR 7018, CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production
Kathrin Feindt
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Kiel
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Language acquisition; Multilingualism; Dialogue and discourse
Evelyne Mercure
Research Scientist
Goldsmiths, University of London + UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
Language acquisition; Multilingualism; Multimodal processing; Natural language processing
Kristiina Jokinen
Senior Researcher
AI Research Center, AIST Tokyo Waterfrontand University of Helsinki
Multimodal processing; Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse
Zeynab Raeesy
Research Scientist
Amazon Alexa
Phonetics; Automatic speech recognition; Paralinguistics
Zhengjun Yue
Assistant Professor
KCL/TU Delft
Human speech processing; Automatic speech recognition; Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning; Speech-based assistive technology
Diane Litman
Full Professor
University Pittsburgh
Dialogue and discourse
Eleanor Chodroff
Assistant Professor
University of Zurich
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Automatic speech recognition; Corpus development
Amalia Arvaniti
Full Professor
University of Kent
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Sociophonetics; Speech production
Deniz Başkent
Full Professor
University of Groningen
Human speech processing; Human-robot interaction; Speech-based assistive technology
Emily Mower Provost
Associate Professor
University of Michigan
Multimodal processing; Speech-based assistive technology
Rupal Patel
Full Professor
VocaliD Inc; Northeastern University
Prosody; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis; Speech-based assistive technology
Katharina von Kriegstein
Full Professor
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Human speech processing; Multimodal processing; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition
Yi Zhao
Postdoctoral Researcher
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Human speech processing; Prosody; Machine learning; Speech synthesis
Alexis Deighton MacIntyre
Postdoctoral Researcher
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge
Human speech processing; Prosody; Speech production
Marianne Pouplier
Senior Researcher
Insitute of Phonetics, LMU Munich
Phonetics; Speech production; Phonology
Dani Byrd
Full Professor
University of Southern California
Phonetics; Prosody; Speech production
Maryam M. Al Dabel
Full Professor
College of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia
Human speech processing; Speech enhancement
Margaret E. L. Renwick
Assistant Professor
University of Georgia
Speech production; Phonetics; Phonology
Meg Zellers
Assistant Professor
University of Kiel
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Prosody; Multimodal processing; Dialogue and discourse
Xianxian Zhang
Research Scientist
Amazon Corp.
Multimodal processing; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Speaker recognition
Kathleen Jepson
Assistant Professor
University of Queensland
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production
Carol Espy-Wilson
Full Professor
Phonetics; Robust speech recognition
Tuende Szalay
Postdoctoral Researcher
The University of Sydney / The University of New South Wales
Phonetics; Phonology; Speech production; Corpus development
Ascensión Gallardo-Antolín
Associate Professor
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Automatic speech recognition; Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speech-based assistive technology
Elizabeth Shriberg
Team Leader
Chief Science Officer, Ellipsis Health, San Francisco
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Prosody; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development
Xiaoxiao Miao
Postdoctoral Researcher
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis
Preeti Rao
Full Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Multimodal processing; Speech enhancement; Computer-assisted language learning
Jesin James
Research Scientist
University of Auckland, New Zealand
Paralinguistics; Speech synthesis; Human-robot interaction
Tatiana D. Korelsky
National Science Foundation
Natural language generation; Translation
Isabel Trancoso
Full Professor
INESC-ID / Instituto Superior Técnico
Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Speech synthesis
Yilin Pan
Postdoctoral Researcher
Zhengyu Zhou
Senior Researcher
Bosch Research and Technology Center, North America
Automatic speech recognition; Paralinguistics; Speech-based assistive technology; Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse
Jolanta Szpyra-Kozłowska
Full Professor
Phonetics; Phonology; Morphology and pronunciation
Maxine Eskenazi
Senior Researcher
Carnegie Mellon University
Dialogue and discourse; Virtual humans
Catherine Breslin
Research Scientist
Cobalt, UK
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Natural language processing
Vered Silber-Varod
Senior Researcher
Tel Aviv University
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Prosody; Dialogue and discourse
Patricia Keating
Full Professor
UCLA Linguistics
Phonetics; Phonology; Speech production
Erica Cooper
Assistant Professor
National Institute of Informatics
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis
Zoraida Callejas
Associate Professor
University of Granada
Multimodal processing; Paralinguistics; Virtual humans; Speech-based assistive technology; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development
Alice Turk
Full Professor
University of Edinburgh
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production
Tanvina Patel
Postdoctoral Researcher
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands
Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition
Nan Xu Rattanasone
Postdoctoral Researcher
Child Language Lab, Macquarie University
Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Zhou YU
Assistant Professor
Columbia University
Human-robot interaction; Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse; Ethics
Tanaya Guha
Associate Professor
University of Glasgow
Multimodal processing; Machine learning; Paralinguistics
Esther Klabbers-Judd
Senior Researcher
Prosody; Machine learning; Speech synthesis; Natural language processing; Morphology and pronunciation
Simone Graetzer
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Salford
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Speech-based assistive technology
Ann Bradlow
Full Professor
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Charlotte Vaughn
Research Scientist
University of Oregon
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Sociophonetics; Multilingualism
Rajka Smiljanic
Associate Professor
Linguistics, University of Texas at Austin
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech production; Multilingualism
Rosanna Milner
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Sheffield
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning
Jelena Krivokapic
Associate Professor
University of Michigan
Prosody; Speech production; Phonology; Dialogue and discourse
Janet Pierrehumbert
Full Professor
University of Oxford
Multilingualism; Machine learning; Morphology and pronunciation
Anne Cutler (in memoriam)
Full Professor
Western Sydney University
Human speech processing
Judith Dineley
Postdoctoral Researcher
Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London
Paralinguistics; Corpus development
Sarah Ita Levitan
Assistant Professor
Hunter College, City University of New York
Human speech processing; Prosody; Paralinguistics; Dialogue and discourse
Tara Sainath
Senior Researcher
Google, Inc.
Machine learning; Automatic speech recognition
Jennifer Cole
Full Professor
Northwestern University, Department of Linguistics
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Multilingualism; Dialogue and discourse
Oumayma Al Dakkak
Full Professor
Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology: HIAST Department of Telecommunications
Prosody; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis; Natural language processing
Michelle Huang
Research Scientist
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Natural language processing
Jane Wottawa
Assistant Professor
Laurence Devillers
Full Professor
Sorbonne University CNRS (LIMSI Lab)
Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse; Ethics
Hemlata Tak
Research Scientist
Machine learning; Speaker recognition
Julie Wall
Associate Professor
University of East London
Human speech processing; Automatic speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Machine learning
Karen Livescu
Associate Professor
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago
Automatic speech recognition; Multimodal processing; Machine learning; Natural language processing
Lori Lamel
Senior Researcher
Automatic speech recognition; Multilingualism; Morphology and pronunciation; Corpus development
Rosa González Hautamäki
Postdoctoral Researcher
School of Computing, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Human speech processing; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition
Preethi Jyothi
Assistant Professor
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Automatic speech recognition; Speech technology; Machine learning
Laura Spinu
Associate Professor
City University of New York - Kingsborough Community College
Phonetics; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Aude Noiray
Research Scientist
Laboratoire Dynamique du Langage (CNRS UMR5596)
Niamh Kelly
Assistant Professor
American University of Beirut
Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Speech production; Multilingualism
Pascale Fung
Full Professor
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Multilingualism; Paralinguistics
Susannah Levi
Associate Professor
New York University
Phonetics; Phonology; Language acquisition; Multilingualism; Speaker recognition
Dorothea Kolossa
Associate Professor
TU Berlin
Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Human-robot interaction
Bhuvana Ramabhadran
Senior Researcher
Automatic speech recognition; Speech synthesis; Machine learning; Information extraction
Grazyna Demenko
Full Professor
Adam Mickiewicz University
Human speech processing; Prosody; Automatic speech recognition; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis; Computer-assisted language learning; Information extraction
Gwen Brekelmans
Assistant Professor
Queen Mary University of London
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech production; Multilingualism
Nadine Lavan
Research Scientist
Department of Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences, University College London
Human speech processing; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition
Julia Strand
Assistant Professor
Carleton College
Human speech processing; Multimodal processing
Jeesun Kim
Full Professor
The MARCS Institute, Western Sydney University
Prosody; Multimodal processing; Paralinguistics
Ganna Raboshchuk
Research Scientist
ELSA Corp.
Computer-assisted language learning
Dayana Ribas
Research Scientist
University of Zaragoza
Robust speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition; Speech-based assistive technology; Corpus development
Monorama Swain
Associate Professor
Human speech processing; Speech production; Automatic speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition
Jody Kreiman
Full Professor
UCLA Depts. of Head and Neck Surgery and Linguistics
Phonetics; Prosody; Speech production; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis
Sakriani Sakti
Associate Professor
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST
Multilingualism; Translation; Paralinguistics; Automatic speech recognition; Speech synthesis
Mari Ostendorf
Full Professor
University of Washington
Prosody; Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Speech synthesis; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse
Eugenia San Segundo
Research Scientist
Department of Spanish Language & General Linguistics at the National University of Distance Education (UNED), Madrid, Spain
Phonetics; Prosody; Sociophonetics; Speaker recognition
Mounya Elhilali
Full Professor
Johns Hopkins University
Human speech processing; Speech enhancement; Speech-based assistive technology
Rosalind Wright Picard
Full Professor
MIT Media Lab
Prosody; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Speech-based assistive technology; Dialogue and discourse; Ethics
Luciana Ferrer
Senior Researcher
Computer Science Institute, University of Buenos Aires / CONICET, Argentina
Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition; Human-robot interaction; Computer-assisted language learning
Yaru Wu
Postdoctoral Researcher
Laboratory of Phonetics and Phonology - CNRS & MoDyCo - CNRS
Phonetics; Phonology; Speech production; Language acquisition
Soumi Maiti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Selma Yilmazyildiz Kayaarma
Postdoctoral Researcher
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Department of Electronics & Informatics, Audio-Visual Signal Processing Lab
Human speech processing; Sociophonetics; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction
Cathi Best
Full Professor
Western Sydney University
Language acquisition; Multilingualism
Sneha Das
Assistant Professor
Technical University of Denmark
Human speech processing; Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speech-based assistive technology; Natural language processing; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development; Ethics
Annie Tremblay
Associate Professor
University of Kansas
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Multilingualism
Emma Rodero
Associate Professor
Universitat Pompeu
Human speech processing; Prosody; Dialogue and discourse
Outi Tuomainen
Senior Researcher
University College London
Language acquisition; Speech-based assistive technology
Michelle Cohn
Postdoctoral Researcher
UC Davis
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Prosody; Speech production; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Virtual humans
Irene Lorenzini
Postdoctoral Researcher
Pallavi Baljekar
Software Engineer
Google Translate Research
Prosody; Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Speech synthesis; Translation
Katie Drager
Associate Professor
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Sociophonetics; Human speech processing; Phonetics
Yulan Liu
Research Scientist
Automatic speech recognition; Robust speech recognition; Speech enhancement; Machine learning
Berrak Sisman
Assistant Professor
Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
Human speech processing; Prosody; Machine learning; Speech synthesis
Catharine Oertel Genannt Bierbach
Research Scientist
Speech synthesis; Dialogue and discourse
Justine Cassell
Full Professor
Carnegie Mellon University
Multimodal processing; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Virtual humans; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development
Kwanchiva Thangthai
Research Scientist
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC), Thailand
Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning; Computer-assisted language learning; Dialogue and discourse
Valerie Hazan
Full Professor
UCL (University College London)
Human speech processing; Speech production; Language acquisition; Multimodal processing; Dialogue and discourse
Ebru Arısoy-Saraçlar
Senior Researcher
Karen Kaushansky
Research Scientist
Independent Consultant
Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse
Caroline Henton
Senior Management
Santa Cruz CA
Speech synthesis; Phonetics
Lucia Donatelli
Postdoctoral Researcher
Saarland University
Dialogue and discourse; Information extraction
Jennifer Williams
Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Southampton
Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Speaker recognition; Speech synthesis; Ethics
Petra Wagner
Full Professor
University of Bielefeld
Prosody; Speech synthesis; Dialogue and discourse
Esther Janse
Associate Professor
Centre for Language Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech production
Odette Scharenborg
Associate Professor
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Human speech processing; Automatic speech recognition
Marilyn Walker
Full Professor
University Santa Cruz
Paralinguistics; Natural language processing; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse; Summarization
Rachel Ostrand
Research Scientist
IBM Research
Human speech processing; Speech production; Multimodal processing; Dialogue and discourse
Dimitra Vergyri
Team Leader
Speech Technology and Research Lab
Information extraction; Paralinguistics; Multilingualism; Translation
Helena Moniz
Research Scientist
Prosody; Sociophonetics; Translation
Efthymia Kapnoula
Postdoctoral Researcher
Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language
Human speech processing; Language acquisition; Multilingualism
virginia westwood
Postdoctoral Researcher
Speech production; Language acquisition; Automatic speech recognition; Computer-assisted language learning; Ethics
Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Senior Researcher
Amazon Alexa AI
Dialogue and discourse
Tomoko Matsui
Full Professor
The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Automatic speech recognition; Machine learning; Speaker recognition
Emily M. Bender
Full Professor
University of Washington
Multilingualism; Natural language processing; Ethics
Bettina Braun
Full Professor
University of Konstanz
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Phonology; Prosody; Sociophonetics; Multilingualism
Barbara Grosz
Full Professor
Harvard University
Natural language processing
Amruta Saraf
Postdoctoral Researcher
Barbara Schuppler
Senior Researcher
Graz University of Technology, Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
Phonetics; Prosody; Automatic speech recognition; Natural language processing; Corpus development
Verena Rieser
Full Professor
Heriot Watt University
Human-robot interaction; Natural language generation; Dialogue and discourse; Corpus development; Ethics
Melanie Soderstrom
Associate Professor
University of Manitoba
Language acquisition; Human speech processing
Melissa Baese-Berk
Associate Professor
University of Oregon
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech production; Multilingualism
Anocha Rugchatjaroen
Research Scientist
NECTEC, National Science and Technology Development Agency
Speech synthesis
Taniya Misra
Senior Researcher
Cathy Pearl
Team Leader
Human-robot interaction; Virtual humans
Rivka Levitan
Assistant Professor
Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate Center
Prosody; Machine learning; Paralinguistics; Human-robot interaction; Dialogue and discourse
Leda Sari
Research Scientist
Facebook AI
Automatic speech recognition; Multimodal processing; Robust speech recognition; Machine learning
Sun-Ah Jun
Full Professor
Phonology; Prosody
Maëva Garnier
Research Scientist
Phonetics; Sociophonetics; Speech production; Multimodal processing; Speech enhancement
Joan A. Sereno
Full Professor
University of Kansas
Human speech processing; Phonetics; Speech production; Language acquisition